Protecting Youth from High-Risk Behaviors

Protecting Youth from High-Risk Behaviors Alcohol use, illicit drug use, sexual activity, and Violence have to be the big four for protecting our youth.  In this photo, Gary Bendig captures two Cedar Waxwings feeding each other is an act of love.  As parents, we want...

Price To Pay

Price To Pay My mentor John Maxwell is fond of saying, “Anything worthwhile is always uphill.”  When we start to believe that and not try to look for shortcuts, we realize that there is a Price To Pay for success, for personal victory, for healthy...


Injustices Do you know anyone who, every time you get into a heated debate they get hysterical?  Maybe it is yourself?  It seems like getting angry, calling people names, and getting hysterical is now in fashion.  It is now okay with so many people because we have...

Be Relentless

Being Relentless Take the opportunity now to be relentless in letting go of the past and pursuing the greatness that awaits you. When we want something to the level that is consuming our passion, then rise up and relentlessly pursue the victory that awaits us.  It...