Raising Kids Ages 17-18

Raising Kids Ages 17-18 So you are on the home stretch; it feels like you’re already there, so now you can relax and back off a bit as a parent.  Careful, this is an age where kids seem like adults, often act, but still have many of the challenges that we have...

Raising Kids Ages 15-16

Raising Kids Ages 15-16 It seems that once kids reach the age of 15-16, they are ready to take risks in their life.  Their brains are now maturing, and the reward receptors are running at an all-time high.  The 15-16 year age group is when kids will do some risky and...

Raising 13-14 Year Olds

Raising 13-14-Year-Olds Summer is here, school is out, and now parents are challenged with keeping their 13-14-year-olds on track.  If you have a 13-14-year-old, you may be already acutely aware that this is an emotional time of passage for kids.  When necessary,...

Parenting & Tenacity

Parenting & Tenacity There is no doubt that, at times, parenting takes tenacity.  Tenacity is a resolve to be successful with your kids, a firmness to hold on to those standards of behavior of which you will not depart.  It is persistence to continue pushing...

If only thinking

If Only Thinking As a kid growing up in South Dakota as a young musician, I remember if only I lived in New York, where there were lots more playing opportunities.  If only I lived nearer to a more prominent college. We get caught up in this If Only thinking so...