
Consider Your Soul

I have read that we make over 2,500 choices every day.  All of those choices lead to the life that we end up living.  All of them affect the outcome of tomorrow.  The choices we make today create our tomorrow, but what is beyond that?  What about our soul?  I think we can guide ourselves to make only choices that benefit our soul and avoid those that will harm it.  It may require that when you’re really in the heat of the moment, be it anger, a sexual urge, or otherwise, that you stop for a second and remind yourself that this will not benefit my soul, so let’s skip it.

When we make this choice, we choose to live at a higher level of consciousness.

Raising our consciousness is the most critical decision you can make.  Here is an example, you’re getting ready to comment on a group setting such as a meeting or just with a group of friends.  You stop for a moment and consider whether this will benefit those around you or not, and choose not to comment.  Later, you realize what a good decision that was because it would have not only hurt others but made yourself look poorly.  That small voice within you speaks to you and urges you to hold back for a moment.  We certainly remember when we did not exercise this and reflect upon those moments with regret and guilt.

That regret and guilt hold you back from your full potential; it clouds your thoughts and, like a filter, doesn’t allow the good to come through clearly to you.  When you choose to obey that inner prompting, you follow your spirit and benefit your soul.  Stay true to your conscience and ask for strength through the breath, faith, or however you get grounded.  If you take time to do this, you will notice that something different comes alive within you.

You begin to have the edge over others, and opportunities start to flow to you.  There are great plans for your life.  You can have access to them by clearing your path to your consciousness.

I encourage you today to think about all the choices you make and ensure that they align with your highest good, your optimal self.  When you do that, I know that you will have access to a part of your life that has been missing.  It is like blowing the clouds away to a bright sunshine day.  Clear your path and allow the higher understandings of life to come to you.

At times we are far too critical of ourselves, if this is something you struggle with, or you know someone who does, read here, Steps and Missteps – Dr. Rich Patterson (

Explaining the soul to someone can be a challenge, this article may help, How to explain the soul to a nonbeliever – Our Sunday Visitor (


Yours for a Better Life,
