The Sandhill Crane has been on earth for an astonishing 10 million years. Cranes are migratory and can fly as high as two miles above the planet. One of the folklore stories passed on is that the Crane swallows a stone before these flights to provide a bit of an anchor when flying long distances. The stone helps keep the bird in place as it encounters various currents and weather events. Once it arrives, the stone is brought-up and spewed out.
Whether true or not, the concept that a bird that has lasted 10 million years uses an anchor to help itself during turbulent times gives us pause to consider that for ourselves. After all, how can 10 million years of nature be wrong? What anchor do you use when you are in the midst of life’s events and chapters? You may say a faith-based anchor, or maybe nothing at all.
If you are faith-based, do you use it? Does it provide the trust that you need to follow your heart? Based on your faith, can you bump into the difficulties of life and pull through, much as the Crane does in turbulent weather? Referencing our anchor in life in this way helps us to see beyond ourselves to something greater, something much bigger than the bumps and struggles of life.
If you don’t have an anchor, consider developing one. Perhaps it might just be some quiet time with yourself away from all distractions where you sit and open your mind, releasing all of the concerns and tensions of the day. Quiet-time can be your anchor if you’re just not ready for something more formal and faith-based.
Aesop writes about the Crane in this way:
to rise above the clouds into endless space, and survey the wonders of the heavens, as well as the earth beneath, with its seas, lakes and rivers, as far as the eye can reach.
How far can you go today, with the help of an anchor?
Kids need anchors! We all need anchors, and one of the best concepts, of which I have written many posts, is Resilience. Read this important post, Resilience – Dr. Rich Patterson (pattersonphd.com)
Linda Selford, Ph.D. has an article titled, An Anchor in the Storm that is worth the read; click here, An Anchor in the Storm | Psychology Today
Yours for Better Parenting,
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