by Rich Patterson | Jan 3, 2020 | Parenting, Resilience
What Kids Need: A Family with Love Number one with kids is a family that expresses love for each other. That makes for a comfortable and cozy place to be themselves that is peaceful. There is nothing like it and nothing that will replace such a protective cocoon for... by Rich Patterson | Dec 13, 2019 | Parenting, Resilience
Setting Rules & Enforcing Them Setting rules is one thing, but enforcing them is quite another. Sometimes we don’t feel like starting up with our kids to make a point. But wait! What is at stake when we don’t enforce the rules. The sign says,... by Rich Patterson | Sep 6, 2019 | Parenting, Resilience
What Kids Need: Participation in a Faith-Based Community We have been talking about resilience and how it adds a Teflon® coating to young people making them less vulnerable to the distractions of life and more able to bounce back during the tough times. Participation... by Rich Patterson | Aug 16, 2019 | Parenting, Resilience
What Kids Need: Service to Others It is a proven research fact that kids who serve the community one hour or more a week are more resilient to the risk-related behaviors of their youth. I challenge our parents today to get their kids involved in a community service... by Rich Patterson | Aug 7, 2019 | Parenting, Resilience
What Kids Need: Parental Discipline Okay, you have established some rules, set some consequences, negotiated this upfront in advance of a big problem, and solicited your child’s feedback. Now what? Now, you must enforce those consequences as agreed. Enforcing...
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