
Enlarge Your Vision

What is your expectation of life?  I mean, do you feel your best days are behind you, or do you expect your vision to engage?  What can you do to make this happen?  These are questions we will explore quickly in this post.  New victories await your attention every day.  They bounce off of us like atoms–we choose to ignore them.  What if we took a bit of time to sit quietly with ourselves for twenty minutes and listen to directions given? We will find that ideas come to us every day.

I do a focused practice every morning during a ten-minute meditation; at the end of the meditation, I sit quietly for another ten minutes and ask that my vision be enlarged today.

You will get better at this as you practice it.  For the first ten minutes, I used an app called Calm.  With a subscription, you will receive a ten-minute meditation every day with a different focus.  It includes some quiet time and some guided practice.  Once finished, just let the app close on its own and begin your practice of continuing your focus of enlarging your vision.  You can attain new levels of victory, but not if you’re not expecting them, looking for them.

You have to believe, here comes that faith piece again; have faith that you are guided to do this.  Why not try it?  Is what you’re doing now working so well?  Likely not, so give it a try; believe that the universe, God, your breath, whatever resonates with you now will guide you to what you need to see.

You will have sabotaging thoughts.  Those negative bombardments creep in and tell you why you can’t do this.  Cancel them.  Ignore them.  Replace them with something higher, or transmute them to a higher level of consciousness (a discussion for another time).  To defeat them, you must stay focused on knowing that you are entitled to have a larger vision, achieve more incredible things, and move yourself to higher ground.  Constantly keep your larger image with you.

Do not allow even one negative thought to slip through.  Once given a larger vision, begin to take those first steps.  They can be tiny ones, but start, and you will find additional support from your faith as you continue.

When I was working on my Ph.D. dissertation, I had a saying that kept me going.  It was “Everyday Advance.”  One of my friends saw that and said to me, “I didn’t realize you were so compulsive.”  I told him why I had it posted everywhere and that it kept my focus on the one thing that mattered, completing my dissertation.  I found that some days I had only a little time to punch an article and place it in the correct notebook or scan something into a file.

Other days I could work 12 hours uninterrupted.  Either day, I was moving forward.  So it is with your thoughts and enlarging your vision.  Just start with what you get and begin to move on it; continue to hold that vision and watch it grow and your ideas right along with it.

Here is a related post on Speak Toward Your Vision – Dr. Rich Patterson (pattersonphd.com)

For a more formal approach to goal setting, read this What is Your Mission and Vision in Life? (habitsforwellbeing.com)

Try it; what have you got to lose?  Then leave me a comment about your outcome.

Yours for a Better Life,
