Living in Balance
I have worked to achieve balance in my life, for it seems like forever. I rarely seem to attain it for any time before I’m knocked off my feet by life itself. After working through this concept once again, setting new goals, and committing, I decided on something important. It doesn’t exist – balance in your life does not exist. It is impossible to attain; the more to work at it, the more you try to control it. Control implies resistance, which means that you can even control this force that you cannot see. It simply does not exist.
Take your health, for example. Even when you are young, do you ever wholly attain balance. I mean, where are you completely healthy? If so, not for long, and you wake up one day and say, Ouch, When did that show up? We are consistently and constantly adjusting, tweaking, solving problems and challenges, and working on keeping a great attitude during the process. It is a constant struggle to keep things close to balance. That does not mean that you should not try to keep things toward the center and to go forward in your life.
There is another type of balance that bears a closer watch as well. I’m talking about the balance or imbalance really that comes from taking care of others. Moms are so great at this, but then at times, they find themselves coming apart personally. When we make sure that everyone has everything they want and that constancy is overwhelming, we need to stop and take inventory of ourselves. Do you spend time on others to the point that you neglect yourself?
Eventually, you won’t have anything more to give because you’ve exhausted your energy. Take time to stop and give yourself some time. We have to say no to some things and just let people know that we have another appointment and cannot do that now.
They don’t have to know that the appointment is with you. Put it on your calendar and say this is my time, and I get to relax, think, have a cup of tea and reaffirm that I am who I am. When you are refreshed and rejuvenated, you can step back into service to others. When you do this, you will find that the very thing you said no to is already solved, doesn’t exist, or isn’t necessary anymore. That gives you a chance to reevaluate where you should spend your energy.
Here’s what I know:Â If you work on balance in your life, you will be happier, you will live life to the fullest and feel an energy that comes from knowing that you’re moving through this energy field on earth and that you cannot embrace all that comes your way, but that you get to choose, and to choose yourself once in a while.
I have written several posts regarding balance, here is one that you may enjoy Balance–Seasons & Kids – Dr. Rich Patterson (pattersonphd.com)
Psychology Today has some ways to balance your life here 5 Ways to Find Balance in Your Life | Psychology Today
Yours for a Better Life,
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