Building Assets in Your Community

Building Assets in Your Community For some time now, I have been writing about the benefits of building assets with young people.  Asset building is the mission of the Search Institute ( using their huge research database to create the 40...
Overcoming Difficulties with Kids

Overcoming Difficulties with Kids

Overcoming Difficulties with Kids It was a difficult decision; I had an opportunity for a new position in another state, but our son was a Junior in high school, and I knew that moving for him would be difficult.  My wife and I sat down and discussed it with him to...

Difficulties With Kids

Difficulties With Kids As a high-altitude snowmobiler, I am familiar with the problems one faces riding in the mountains.  We meet our challenges more easily when friends and those of like interest surround us.  When we all work together to make it happen, so it is...

What Kids Need: Hope

What Kids Need: Hope You may be thinking, but no one gave me hope; I just seemed to have it already.  Today, less than 70% of kids report having a positive view of their future and feeling optimistic about their lives.  As an educator of many years, both teacher and...