
Talk About the Positives

As I look back on my life, I realize that most of what I was concerned about either didn’t happen at all or that everything turned out fine, even if it wasn’t as I wanted it to be.  We can commend ourselves for choosing the positives, for thinking about the things we want to have happened rather than the things that worry us.  Try this sometime, when you’re going to a store that is traditionally difficult to find a parking place.  Before you leave, you decide that there will be a place, and all during the trip, you silently tell yourself a parking place will be available when you get there.

More times than not, you will find a parking place.  Now, you can say, how do you know there wouldn’t have been one there anyway?  You don’t, but by placing a positive slant to your energy, your outlook, you increase the odds that there will be one available.

We can commend ourselves for living in victory, not defeat.  Living in defeat is the default for our psyche.  It seems that if we don’t tend to our attitude and outlook, things can go south in a hurry.  A victory outlook says that no matter what has happened, no matter how things look, who said what, what your boss did, or how you feel about something, be encouraged that this means that something good is coming.  The difficulties in your life are placed there for a reason, even though they may not be apparent to us.

They are there to lead us to the good things that are coming.  For this to happen, we have to do our part and place our thoughts toward the coming good.  Toward what we want to have happen, rather than dwelling on what is already present.  It is all in our attitude, and believe it or not, we have control over it.

We don’t often want to take ownership of that concept of controlling our outlook on things, but we do have control.  The default is worry, anxiety, stress; why did these happen thoughts that overtake us. Stop those thoughts and think about what you want to have happen as if it has already happened.  Don’t speak words of frustration, defeat, and failure; speak words of victory.  To fix this, think about what you are grateful for right now.  I have found this to work well.

Think of the good things in your life.  It may be your relationships, possessions, a place to live, your food, and the opportunities you’ve had.  By getting into the habit of gratefulness, you help to create victory out of your defeats.

By talking about the positives in your life, you will experience a level of victory that you have never experienced before.  It takes just as much energy to bring this about as the negative, and maybe even less.  Besides, the result is much better.

Here is a related post on this topic Positive or Negative – Dr. Rich Patterson (

Here is a great link to a page that will make a difference for you 29 Ways to Be More Positive in Life and at Work (


Yours for a Better Life,
