
Personal Freedom – 3


We have been discussing the importance of Personal Freedom in our lives.  In the first post, I wrote about the oppression from others and social media.  In the second post, I wrote about fear and how fear of others’ opinions or even our self-doubts causes us to miss our destiny.  In this final post on this series of Personal Freedom, I would like to discuss how to stay the course. 

To achieve Personal Freedom, we must master ourselves.  By examining our motivations for doing things or just asking, “What is the purpose?”  we can help to redirect our intentions toward that which is us.  By monitoring our self-talk and thoughts, we then express how we feel and want the world to know us.  It is so familiar to be slotted by race, gender, sexual preference, position, education, leadership abilities.  These limitations cause so many to miss their destiny.  

I had a mentor who once challenged me to ask myself the question, “What is the purpose?”  It came to light when I was going to do something, and I asked myself that question first.  I couldn’t answer the why and decided that I was merely complying with what I thought was social order rather than myself.  I ended up not doing it, and life has moved on just fine.  It felt good to be true to myself, to stay my course.  It gives us a chance to think about what we want to do and express ourselves more in alignment with our destiny. 

When we rid ourselves of our judgments and guilt, we liberate our soul to bring forth what we wanted to discover all along.  Questions like, Who Am I?  What Can I Bring to this World?  What are My Unique Gifts?

Look at these questions closely, and they will guide you to your Freedom.  Here is what I know, I feel best when I lead the rest with my ideas and thoughts, freely interacting without restrictions.  Leave me a comment below on your experience with the topic of Personal Freedom.

The first two posts on Personal Freedom can be found here, Personal Freedom – 2 – Dr. Rich Patterson (; Personal Freedom – Dr. Rich Patterson (

Here is a link to a post on six strategies for attaining Freedom and feeling great, MASTER YOUR OWN LIFE: Six strategies for achieving Freedom and feeling great | The Mindful Word


Yours for a Better Life,
