Your Thought Vibrations-2

Your Thought Vibrations-2 As I have been writing in the previous post, when we think, we set vibrations into motion that can either benefit us or bring about what we do not want.  Just as there are frequencies that the human ear cannot hear, and there are light waves...

This is Only Temporary

This is Only Temporary . . . I believe that our experience here on earth is only temporary and that we can’t get to where we need to go without the struggle.  I am asking that you stand firm and expect some challenges and distractions to change your course.  Our...

Mastery of Self – 2

Mastery of Self – 2 We have been discussing the Mastery of Self and how we can be conscious creators of our existence.  You may not be ready to take responsibility for things in your life at this personal level.  To acknowledge that our life is by our design...

Positive or Negative

Positive or Negative We are either positive or negative, with everyone with whom we meet.  Think for a moment about all the people with whom you meet on any given day. You see your significant other, your children, maybe the neighbor, and all of them before you even...

Roots, Patience, and Presence

Roots, Patience, and Presence We have discussed the benefit of examining the roots in our lives and comparing them to tree roots.  We have talked about taking the time to establish a solid foundation for ourselves from which we can operate.  In a previous post, we...