

Injustices Do you know anyone who, every time you get into a heated debate they get hysterical?  Maybe it is yourself?  It seems like getting angry, calling people names, and getting hysterical is now in fashion.  It is now okay with so many people because we have...

Heart Is The Center

Heart Is The Center Your heart is your center, not your brain where all the chatter is; protect your heart because it flows your destiny out of it.  If you are struggling with forgiveness, past wrongs, why did this happen type thoughts that are in your heart?  They...

Clear Those Hurts

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash Clear Those Hurts We have been discussing how putting out the image that you want for yourself can cause the universe to deliver to you those very things that you want.  But did you know that when we hold on to those hurts, the...

Expect Things to Change

Expect Things to Change Living a joyful life is totally up to you, not your circumstances.  You can live satisfied, happy, and with a restoration mentality or find all the injustices you wish.  Just because I say, this doesn’t mean that it will happen, as we...

Claim Your Victory

Claim Your Victory We have all had many victories in our life, but the one victory that can mean the most is to relentlessly let go of the past and press forward with your goals.  That means to pursue with persistence and passion that which you want to claim for your...